. >> reporter: it's a woman in seattle named etelbina who's cleaned houses for 18 years. bank account. she makes a small lunch and heads out to clean. she phones us because she wants everyone to know she worries about her safety. but if she has to leave a job in fear, she may not get paid. and etelbina says that not paying her bills means not having a home. >> reporter: so is there anything anyone can do? in chicago, millie irons her hotel uniform, gathers up her back brace and her wrist brace she uses because of the strain of her work. she says she's had to escape some hotel guests by locking herself in another room. but she wants us to know that there's a small thing that can make a big difference in her life. >> i think anyone can help. >> reporter: her union has been fighting to get her a panic button. she's hoping to have it soon. jetmira already has one and says now she feels safe. >> we can put it in our pocket, and nobody can see it. >> right. >> because nobody knows what i'm doin' and i might be playing with my skirt and then i can just press it and nobody knows