as --etell of the list is the fatality list is as away by floodwaters in the flooded area. >> people are still being pulled off of roofs and out of the water. >> i felt that this was right at the house. my husband, he ran. he screamed -- tell her to get out. >> it was flooded on the second floor. the water was coming in high. >> another 25,000 refugees. >> you seem pretty happy. >> my congestion is out. >> i hope that i never see it again. >> it's that bad? >> by midafternoon the presidential plane is on its way from washington. flying out over the gulf, flying low, following the trail of destruction. grand isle, where the hurricane first mandate -- first made landfall, nothing left. swept mississippi, houses five miles from their front doorsteps. levees strewn with batter and -- battered ships and barges. missing your baton rouge, somewhere on the river bottom, , laden with 600 tons of deadly liquid chlorine. enough to produce more poison gas than both sides used in all of world war i, more than enough to wipe out baton rouge. at