etha, in conjunction with the proposals for the medicaid program including up to 133% of the poverty level is a significant step to ensuring the people with hiv. it addresses a cruel irony in the medicaid system. people must become disabled by aids before they can receive access to medicaid. this is care that could that prevented their becoming so in the first place. medicaid will not help you unless you have dates. full-blown aids and as you know, if someone tests positive to hiv, it could be a number of years before they have full-blown aids so it makes much more sense to help those people once they test positive to stave off the full-blown aids and it's an irony that you couldn't do it. what etha does is gives states option do provide people living with hiv access to medicaid before they become disabled. president obama repeatedly in his quest for president said he supports it. when he was in the senate he co-sponsored the bill. i want to ask you if i continue to count on the administration to continue to support etha and will you work with the states to take up this option if it'