. >> good morning, my name is ethan looper and the clubhouse director in the tenderloin, our tenderloin clubhouse, i currently live about a block away from boeddeker but i was born and raised on 20th and guerrero. first i want to ask you a rhetorical question. what can a park do? i went to the mission playground. i learned to swim. i lived near dolores park. it was safe for me to go there on my own. what can a park do? one of my parents told me i will not step foot inside boeddeker park and neither will my child because of what that park did to her. what can a park do? the tenderloin is a very special place, but because it's so densely populated we are right on top of one another. we can't thrive on top of one another. it's in our dna to do that. this park is no different. this model can thrive in the tenderloin because it's what we already do together, collective impact. as the master tenant, we are not bringing boys and girls club to the park, but we are bringing some of our values. i will share three that we are bringing. commitment to quality, it is going to be clean, it is going to