by his mother it broke about that break that happens to adolescence he just started school at eton college and gone through these ghastly initiation ceremonies he was on his own for the 1st time in his life and his housemaster later it said that he found the boy weeping tears his eyes red with emotion and diana's faith healer simone simmons to whom i've spoken several times said that the following 'd weekend william came home absolutely furious with his mother and she thought that something had been severed irretrievably it had been in a way because suddenly william then at the age of what was he 1314 'd came to see perhaps of the 1st time that he'd been let down by his parents so when did he turn for comfort those of your 'd viewers who know eton college one of it's right by windsor castle and out on the playing fields of eton william used to look up and see who wins and who lived in windsor his grandmother the queen and philip his grandfather and that was the crucial stage in his life when he switched his emotional loyalties from his warring mother and father to the queen and prince phil