. - [annouer] majo funding for "reel south" was provided by etv endowm ent, the national endowment for the ar ts center for asian-american media, and by south ar ts. [lively music] ♪ [hisng sou nd] [somber, hymnal music] ♪ - [burk] i believe good pictures, they start out perhaps with the mind, and an id ea. [cera shutr clicking] and if youe lucky,hat trslates to the art. and then all of that filters out through the eye. [camera shutter clicki ng] [somber, hymnal mu sic] ♪ [tin whistng] [somr, hymnamusic] ♪ when i fst wake ani stretcout, d i get the b e, i'm ill in tt kind o wonderl, semi-conscioust ate of sepndwake, an the ietness of it, allo the motn ofy feet tbr ing lo flow toy mi, into mhe t. omber, hnal mu c] so ts connecon happe it not onlmentaland emional ditation it's physicamediti on. [sber, hyml mu c] the's someing out doing portraits in whi the facis the ychologil landscape. the ce bareshe imint of te. the face and the eyes bare not only the charact er buthe joy a persos be in if it'not a brand nefrontier anit's cerinly isin theistory o art, 's probay a nefrontierwhich ch and