korea on the list until the last couple can of weeks but what they have done is phenomenal, a mass eu wakeup call to american business that look out. you better get your house in order and you are protecting your information. >> not just american business. we need to develop the next set of protocols, next set of rules of engagement that we're going to use for cyberattacks because this is not an attack on sony pictures. it's not just an attack on american business any more so than a nuclear missile or conventional missile of hitting a shipyard in new orleans would be just a business attack. so our nation and the west have to figure out how we can have rules of engagement, just like for nuclear weapons and for many other chemical, biological weapons. sometimes people break the rules of engagement but we need to know what we will do as a nation when people attack us. >> another thing we need to figure out is how we are dealing with cuba. the president kicked things off with changing and opening the relationship. how does that look for business and who comes out on topper? ? >> i think it is wo