only a sick thing... noses, the extreme outdoors will appear frequently. 17 life and folk calendars eudakiety day grass іmknіsya as a magician hutchey zgrepstі, soft, because it will rain, or ў gety zen, or graze yago. yashche rabіlі dougathermіnovy prognosis, cali. for the coming thousand years we will receive a folk kalyandar. 13th life-saving launches. so called na yakiya yashche prykmety varta zvyarnuts respect pyaredadzen spasauskaga post. another name is the assumption fast. geta adzin with short ones. the birthday is on the 14th and the anniversary of the 27th. 14th life of macabey. yashche is called the first, saved, saved the honeydew, the makai is holy poppy and honey. they dipped water, herbs, garden flowers, carrots, slate, spruce dumplings with honey and ashche - everything that could be dipped into. i was wondering that poppy seeds require the will to eat poppy seeds. and the yashche were jumping, as if there were a lot of fish in the rain on yura, and there were a lot of fish in makau. 16th anton vikhravey, anton’s birthday would be... urban landscapes of minsk. leather seas