he is doing that through green rocks, a company to eued kate youth on -- educates children on health and other matters. the first is environmental. >> join us as you meet the most loveable, squeezable snugable. you won't want to miss a second of our acks-packed -- action-packed game. your future depends upon it. mission g rock. >> who would have thought russell simmonds would be a video game mooing ug. he joins us in new york. u.s. a today named him a top influential. he discovered a number of artists, political activists splooupsed analogistal policy on a variety of issues and has a new book out. success through stillness, meditation made simply. russell simmonds great to have you here. video games - kids are always on the gadgets and playing the games. what do you hope to accomplish. >> it's education, taking many shapes. the first game entered number one on the 9 to 11 chart and to the overall kids chart. it achieved the number one status. it's on ongoing status to promote the game and will build up different elements on different, you know, places to go with it. characters are gr