. >> my name is eugene dougherty. thank you, supervisors, for putting forward this resolution. i was sitting down earlier and realized that i was probably part of the more. i followed the initial occupation of line, joining it on the wham free weeks ago. by do not have some of the issues that many of my friends have. i am not in debt. i have health insurance. i joined this movement for ethical reasons. as a witness to the october 17 grade -- raid, and after seeing what happened in oakland, by actually stood up and felt, finally, in my life, that i could get arrested for standing up for what i believe in. i have a lot of friends supportive of this. we bill mott stops until we see the change that our society needs. supervisor avalos: next speaker, please. blacks thank you. my name is [unintelligible] the occupy group came to our church. their presentation was very well received. i want to emphasize that the occupiers are trained very well in how to protect ourselves, to be nonviolent and respect the police. for the last few years in europe, and i saw how the oiipor have to live h