the ambassador to rwanda, eugene gasana, set up this foundation, and to start this project. and when he approached me, and i incredibly moved. but what was even more sad for me was that - i realized that we did the research and there was not a single cancer treatment center on the continent. there was not a single. >> on the continent? >> on the continent. that was astonishing. and actually shocking. so a children's cancer research center. you had to go outside of the continent to do it. and i was shocked by that. so, rwanda becomes very important because it's more or less the center of the continent. and it kind of allows an opportunity from east/west, north/south to kind of have a central place. i hope that this is the first of many. but also it's the first which is both a teacher. it's a training center, as well as a cancer hospital for children. and i wanted it to be very much a beacon. hospitals are incredible pieces of infrastructure. and they can just be just things that are there. usually not very pretty, hospitals. they're usually big, bulky, and quite ugly. but the