>> there's a beautiful document promulgated by the vatican in 1980 call euia.ot a great title, but it is more uplifting than the title makes it sound. the catholic church has an amazing body of knowledge around death and dying. catholic social teachings form the principles of what we call end-of-life care. the declaration on euthanasia goes through very practical points, talking about death first of all. death is part of the human condition and it is either to be feared and avoided at all costs, nor is it to be actively procured. so, we know that is part of life. by looking at some of the principles of catholic teaching, we can see what the best way is to die and what principles are okay, howh oug shouldt doi how to help each other through death in a spiritual and physical and mental way. >> in your job, you do provide practical resources for people who need to know. >> your website at the archdiocese, all of the resources there, people can study that they can also talk to personally to find out what there is to know. >> we have a hotline. a medical ethics hotl