what we discussed this with the older and john was done, eula zahid join us earlier. and he says that despite the ministry shuffle the fund, delta remains that ukraine is facing a losing battle when you're losing a war, you have um, you have a instability and dissatisfaction and, and heads roles. so therefore generals are fired and new generals are put in. but the new generals can't do anything more than the old general said, because the, the balance of power is against the ukraine. so they'll keep, you know, lopping off heads, moving generals in and out, hoping good to change the us, the system for some sort of change and the fundamental aspects of the war. but of course, it will have no effect. because the, as i said before, the ukraine is hopelessly outclassed. is going to lose this for the united states, as well as lord ukraine into a war that the ukraine cannot possibly, with us, is using a very legalistic definition. as regards the crime me as part of the ukraine and not part of russia, and therefore feels free to strike military targets anywhere in the crimea t