to do military service, but let's be honest, that out of this number, as of today , you had a question, how many men are abroad, male according to statistics, the population in europeanes is... 765,000, of which 460,436,000 belong to this category of 18-dash 60 males, i.e. 436,000 are potentially and actually subjects of the restriction of this right to receive consular services. only a part of them could apply, these are those who really need to replace their passports. which expire, and accordingly, if they are legally present and can return, for example, to the state where they are now, then it is clear that they can resort to the verification process, since it will be proposed, as i understand it, to open more and the electronic cabinet of the conscript, which currently does not exist, a reconciliation through consular offices of some kind is also proposed or service e. this also does not exist, this must also be developed and we will see how it will look, that is, without the need to come to ukraine and spend time on moving, paying for tiles, staying in the tsc and so on, these persons can, respectively go through this procedure and then, so to speak, get the gr