amy: eva nisa, your r response? >>>> i think that is o one of te ththings that have been mentiond a lot by new zealalanders. needms are us, what do y you -- they ask, what do you need? they w will say the same, , lovd supppport and also sympaththy. is, i think new shockedrs, we are very with this kind of thing because this never happened. jacinda ardern mentioned this is an unprecedented tragedy. say, , aneed, let's -- - iical kikind of comments meanan, i know some politicians have mentiononed som comments. some of them even used this tragedy as part of the political tools to show, look,k, there is this clashsh between islam and christianityty or islam -- we don't need that. we need love, support, and some of the. amy: i also want to ask you about the response of new jacindas prime minister ardern and how she is being praised, wearing a hijab, comforting the victims families. and also, as you just said, talking about muslims as "us." this is the prime minister speaking on friday. >> many of those who will be does ha