pat morris and eva preto. welcome, ladies. thanks for coming. in wow. this is an interesting topic. for sure. before we begin, you are a >> yes, simplt. >> you have your own syndicated show. >> yes. it is produced in malden. syndicated in boston. wellesley, cambridge. revere. i'm all over. but what my love is is senior fitness and a big thank you to mayor gary christianson of malden and also the executive director of the malden senior center. who actually really, really o also allowed me to really develop the program. . >> now, what made you want to work with seniors? >> well, i have taught executives. i have taught all different demographics. but the fortitude that they have, they are smart. as i mentioned, you know, before we got started, you know, when i hear stories about someone who served on someone who served at pearl harbor, someone who showed me their number tattoo from the holocaust, these are experiences that conditions be equaled. >> wow. now, pat, let's talk about with you a little built here. talk to me about your workouts and normally, i wouldn't ask this. but can i a