and so that's what evan jericho's think right now who are for donald trump? a chris it in your book, jesus and john wayne, you write that evangelical support for former are present. donald trump is the combination of evangelicals embrace of militant masculinity and the callous display of power at home and abroad. those are ideas that seemed again to be at our with some of their funded mental faith claims fundamental beliefs. how do you reconcile? how do they reconcile these things? do they attempt to reconcile? and i'd love you to weigh on this as well. i mean, how do they reconcile this stuff? yeah, i mean, they did seem to be when i 1st started this research, which was almost 20 years ago now actually i was, was looking at popular angelica books on masculinity and how to be a christian man. and this is a huge market, right? these books, some of them are selling in the millions. so vast market and people are men are studying these in churches and in small groups, what does it mean to be a christian man? why read some of these? and i was surprised because the