also with us, former presidential candidate evan mcmullin, a former cia officer. guys, great to have you hire. a lot to get through. one bit of information from jim sciut sciutto, jamie, that i found interesting, is following his meeting, his sources telling him that advisers after this meeting, advisers to the president, consulted the intelligence community to check on the classification level of the information that was discussed in the oval office meeting. you've been in those meetings. what does that tell you? >> that tells me that they were really worried. i mean, there is secret information, top-secret information and then secure, classified information. that is highest level of classification, and often it's because if that information gets out, it can put people's lives in danger, it can undermine critical relationships with foreign intelligence services, with foreign governments. and so, to leak that kind of information or just to give it away so brazenly, especially given the bad state of relations between the united states and russia is just deeply conc