and evan osnos, who's written on chen guangcheng and other dissidents as the china correspondent for the "new yorker" magazine. he joins us tonight from the campus of stanford university. os, i'll start with you. what do you make of this very confusing series of events today? is there any way to unravel what's known at this point? >> well, it's been an extraordinary 24 hours. the story is very dynamic. a few hours ago, frankly, all of us thought that the u.s. government, the chinese side, had reached perhaps the best available solution given the moment, which was to create an opportunity for chen guangcheng to get out, who've on with his life, perhaps in a new city with his family and out of the persecution of this local government. what we now see, of course, say dramatic turnaround. chen, who we is have to remember has been under extraordinary pressure for seven years. he's been in and out of jail and house arrest and now he's been put into the position of having to negotiate and be in the center of this very complex negotiation. so he has come out and made statements that, obvious