we still don't know all the things that they did but evan thomas, who wrote a great book called "the ery best men," interviewed a man who is no longer living, eddie applewhite, who returned to headquarters and told the story to evan. he was reporting to his boss, desmond fitzgerald, i think the third ranking cia official at that point and when he described what they had done to "ramparts," fitzgerald said, oh, eddie, you have a spot of blood on your pinafor. and, he would he, eddie would not tell evan thomas more about what they did but he did say to thomas, they had terrible things in mind to do to "ramparts." >> i would be very curious as someone who worked at "ramparts "at that time. i could add a little bit to this. many years later i applied for my cia files under the freedom of information act. i got, many, many pages of them, heavily rebeing todayed sometimes a few words on a page. it was amazing because i was a very very, very low person on the totem pole at "ram parts." i was only peripherally part of it. but i came out without much respect what we journalists talk about the