they're like, "oh, my god, evan williams." [evan] i knew biz from google. so i reached out to him to come join our startup, odeo, the podcasting thing. it's good. we didn't lose anyone on the way over here, but maybe on the way back. i started out as an artist, but there was something about the idea of me making the software that allowed so many millions of other people to be able to express themselves that was like, "oh, this is a meta way of being an artist," you know? [evan] i wanted to build the team with curious, creative people. i always think that's the most important thing. i remember my boss at google just saying the same thing over and over to me. "so you don't like money." and i was like, "i like money. money's great." he's like, "so you don't like money." but i just wanted to keep working with ev because we could develop all kinds of crazy things together. he also, i think, was a magnet for jack. [biz] jack had turned up in san francisco. and in south park, there was a place called el centro. and i think he was trying to get a job as a barista.