iie: evangelical alliance is professionals. what do you say?nment to do two things, to honour commitments it has made, one is ending harmful and abusive practices and referred those being talked about and rightly those should be ended, they are practices carried out by a therapist, the nhs and admittedly by those in religious organisations that were wrong and those should be stopped and largely have been stopped but we also, the government has said it needs to safeguard spiritual support. so if somebody wants to go to a pastor, if they want to be prayed with they should be able to do that but that's something they should have the freedom to do and we want to avoid the situation where somebody can be accused of conversion therapy simply for praying with someone who comes along freely and asks for prayer so we are supportive of the consultation because we need a clear definition otherwise we argue in many ways across purposes of different definitions and understandings of what is involved. if there are exemptions for religious professionals gay c