steven from evanston, illinois draws stick figure cats along the lines of a 5-year-old with mediocre he is selling work like crazy thanks to a groupon deal. he insisted he wants to draw you a cat personalized any way you want it for $9.95. he took the sales pitch to groupon, the site that offers daily discounts. groupon ran it and the price dropped to $3 and orders poured in. >> i almost grew more and more nauseouss i watched them crawl to 1,000. i have no idea how many cats i would have to draw. >> he wound up caping it at 50$200 and greossed more than 0. >> mornedie lu nc n ng of a west coast trough threat coming up. [ female announcer ] martinelli's gold medal sparkling cider is the perfect choice for holiday gatherings. martinelli's is non-alcoholic, festive like champagne, and tastes great! martinelli's: since 1868. >> new this morning, grieve counsellors will help students cope with the murder of a classmate. >> wha