harmon, a says israel will be punished and that it will be made to regret that sanctions president evelyn bracy condemned the attack as a create a violation of international regulations which would not go alonza. gabriel is also has more on that security council meeting up to you and there was a lot to unpack there, but i think there are some main themes that we saw woven through if you will. and that's much pretty much account ability. a lot of people wanted accountability, again for israel, for this attack, and i think it was because so many diplomats that work in this building really raised her eyebrows if you will, because of this attack because it was against a diplomatic facility. and there a whole host of international conventions including the un charter itself that speak about how it's supposed to protect diplomatic facilities. so it was a gross violation of, of these international conventions if you will. and i think that's why so many speakers, nations around the security council spoke out against this. and you also heard, definitely a call for de escalation, really worries that actu