congratulations to dbi permit technician evelyn cartz. i want to apologize in advance if i mispronounce anybody's name who was praised in a letter stating the customer service is the best i have seen in 43 years in the building trade. she went out of the way to ensure the application was processed quickly and efficiently. we thank mrs. kratz for her outstanding customer service. a big thank you to deputy director inspector sweet and inspection services ed sweeney who received a letter of appreciation after he helped a customer to obtain the permit. the customer wasn't satisfied after the initial talking to staff, but by partially listening to the owner and the commercial tenants frustration, things were resolved and the knowledge cannot be overvalued. and thanks to jack hardy for assisting a customer to obtain architectural drawings for a building from 1914. the later stated that i found jack and other personnel cooperative and helpful. and the important project on schedule to begin construction in january of 2018. and thank you to donald