>> i've been reading bride's head revisited by evelyn waugh? is that how you pronouns. >> i'm really bad with pronunciation. >> ed a readers we think that's how you pronounce a word and then later you hear it and it's like, uh-oh. >> see if i can preface this the right way. the incredible author of tran send accident kingdom and home-going, and her last name in my original reading of it was -- it is yajesse but before i heard her name pronounced way has like -- not is it jesse, and that was just like a total -- it's been a total -- hear from the book it's like, ya jesse. >> the age of podcasts has helped because i hear things now, oh, okay. i could sound smarter than i did and i'm re-readening scott spend we are's endless love, youth in turmoil, too. it's an incredible novel about youth in love and turmoil and first love and all this great stuff, but i'm trying to just not read right now. everything is so stressful that i'm binging a lot. net foreclosure hard core, my wife said shy check out agents of shield and i lost hundreds of hours to sitt