these kind of been an everyman, as he liked to say. freedom required government to take care of persons necessities when he could not, so that he might live comfortably and fearlessly, beyond necessity. the immediate result was fairly harmless. the first couple of floors of the modern welfare state cars. but the long-term result was worse because the reasons given to justify even the most modest welfare rights but for be on themselves. no one ever doubted that the things he talked about, the right to home, to medical care, to a job, to a vacation from your job -- no one ever doubted that these are fine things, things that might well be the object of government policy even at the national level, but the liberal alchemy that transformed these findings into rights and was powerful magic. once unleashed it proved uncontrollable. such rights implied necessarily duties to provide houses, jobs, vacations, and medical care now guaranteed to everyone. but on whom did the duties fallbacks liberals never came clean on that. variously pointing to