. -- dumped everythiong. the dollar came back. 10 year yield not as low as it was in the beginning. alix: in the beginning, that news is actually bad news, but now it is like, financials came off a little bit, the 10 year yield comes back a little bit, you see they are jumping off the lows of the session. you are looking at the spread. alix: joe: -- joe: the two-year, 10 year spread was interesting. the two-year did not bounce much, but the 10-year did. i thought one possibility is the report perhaps kicks fed hike in the future but maybe does not change the overall trajectory as much as people thought. the: that echoed what market reacted to. take a look at the unemployment rate versus the own employment cost index. index thatroader janet yellen looks at. both of them are now going down. we ended up at 10% on the u6, we had 10% wage growth. something has got to give. we have seen measures of unemployment kick up. hopefully the next move will be higher wages. leaking of underemployment and under the hood things, here is a chart which is closely related to what you are looking at. th