. >> it is like everyyother aspect of the economy.the regulations come you force those who cover this. the government is dictating how these plants have to be designed financially. that cost more money. it is not surprising at all. the cost of insurance is going up. gerri: the premiums you're talking about her premiums for the individual market. so if you are going out after obamacare is implemented, this @% what you are likely to see. from 14 million people, they are expected to do that. >> it will increase over time because less and less of heirs are offering coverage or they are dumping coverage. more people are shopping for coverage on their own. the individual market for people is relatively small. it will enlarge over time. it could be 25 million in 25 years. it will make health insurance more expensive and a lot of people will drop out of the system. >> that is the point of obamacare. it is to get those people covered. people who aren't covered now. >> that's right. are you telling me that we were? >> ttat's why you have an ind