kirill, not only ilya wanted to meet you, but also his mother, evgenia avramovna, let’s listen, ilyaas his wife, yulia, who called me, well, she says: ilya is in the hospital, well, i say something else, i say, he’s seriously wounded, she says , well, everything seems fine. but he doesn't have a hand, that's it then i screamed out loud, in these photographs he has a hand everywhere, here they are when they actually got married in december, here is the hand with the ring everywhere, it’s his right hand, well, of course it hurts, but my only son is alive, kirill, thank you so much for that. that you saved my son, you acted like a real hero and to the parents, huge gratitude for raising a worthy son, i want to see you, finally meet you and hug you, and i believe that i now have two sons, i am very grateful to you for that you saved mine ilya. well, evgenia pelidi, ilya’s mother, came to meet you today, kirill, come on! let's invite her in any other way, there couldn't be any other way, thank you very much, everything is fine, it's a miracle that you stayed, it's a miracle, only a miracl