sudaplatov street, this was carried out by order of the head military-civil administration evgeniy vitalievich baletskybsequently in the urban district of melitopol also renamed more than 50 streets, now the newly created local government bodies are vested... vested with powers in accordance with federal law, gradually taking into account the opinion of the resident, continue this work, first of all, it should be noted that since 2014 , the so-called decommunization, when the names of heroes associated with the soviet past were simply changed, and sometimes they were changed to the names of heroes to... nationalists, in their opinion, heroes, in the case of dmitry dontsov street this is exactly the case it turned out, and we drew the attention of the yandex company precisely to this, because in this case we are talking about the theorist of ukrainian nationalism, which is unacceptable in the region of the russian federation. well, as far as i understand, the renaming process is far away, judging by your words, far from it. completion yet and how much work remains to be done? i repeat, a very important