my name is evgeny dodolev.he covers, i remember. when i bought, well, that means i bought, our owner was an oligarch, on his orders, i purchased certain publications there, it was a licensed edition of a very popular men's magazine, the license was purchased, and i negotiated, that was the manager michaelonpe, quite famous in those years, we met him there in some cafe and he said that he wanted the current editor-in-chief of this publication should talk to me, i immediately concluded for myself that we will have a different team, we are buying only the brand, only the name, i’ll just explain why it is important to buy the name, and not buy, let’s say there collective or there , i don’t know , there, i don’t know, watches, there are all sorts of washing powders, perfumes, they, decisions are made there in the city of london, there or in the city of new york, they just... knew that if it appears in russia there is such and such a publication, then these or those become involved in this publication other brands au