of times would have come, this was actually a podcast, a chronicle of the end of times, and i, evgeny dotla phenomenon as jeans, all episodes you can watch the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel 1tv.ru. this is the easy money podcast, i'm its host. mikhail khanov, and today we are dealing with the most pressing topic, probably for most of us, how to save money when there is little of it and, more generally, how to become rich. please note, i’m not talking about the successful, just the rich, it’s really important how to do it right. make money, and most importantly, how to approach it. we have collected questions that you, our tv viewers, listeners, simply our audience, ask about all our podcasts, and decided that i will probably try to answer these questions myself, while i will answer them in as much detail as possible and i will even strengthen them so that you feel that i’m not just somehow avoiding the answers, i’m saying, okay, look there, i don’t know where, the link is in the description, something else, and in fact, i myself will try to answer them as much as p