the early stages of your career, i remember when e olympiad in korea where alina zagitova and evgeny medvedev pink silver and i was interviewed at that moment somewhere else i could focus on five programs, including their olympic programs. now, after so many years. it will not even be true for myself if i name one, and you can name at least one that you consider a failure, well, or let's not say so hard failure it happened it cannot be a failure. they did everything anyway. well, to the maximum, as it were, yes, but the program is not there went a little. i think that i can name and that is because i remember it well, because anyway, most likely , if i sit and think now, i will talk about the program that was there 5 years ago or seven, but if we talk about the latter, it did not go. eh, and, perhaps, for me , the program that i staged did not go in, and not shcherbakov's short program vostok e in the olympic year. i just thought that in this you would say i liked the music. she just was n't olympic. well, maybe i had doubts. but we listened to everything and decided that we started to put on