mom is 90 years old, she has the right to at least something, well, girls, what do you say to evgeny yuryevichkiss, well, i there’s nothing to add, i can kiss you , i adore... evgenia steblova, i adore all the films in which he played, i adore nikita mikhalkova, in general, everyone who is so talented and beautiful in this generation, thank you, please take your pills from the pressure, okay, let’s pause for a while and then continue, in mariupol they are allegedly destroying a unique historical one. landmark, an ancient mound, an attempt was made to accuse us of almost looking for some kind of gold there, no one is digging the mound, it is green in the grass, andryushenko again pulls an owl onto the globe , no one knows for sure whether he has a real audience at all, the russian auto industry allegedly owes everything to the italian palmira talati, they are trying to show us as completely helpless, unable to create anything, palmira talati has never produced cars, let us introduce you to a talented, young a musician from donetsk who... composed his first hits under shelling. antifake, premier