i mean, in the dictionary where they define "underdog," they've got the evx team as an example. >> hey, aren't you guys that high school team that built those cars? >> justin, you can work with me on this. okay, fuel, all right? so we gonna be aware that we're soldering over fuel. one of the things that happens when you build something, create something new is-is inevitably we use every last moment. and so there's always the last-minute rush to tie up loose ends. we gotta switch this over. check-off list, let's take a quick walkthrough. >> it was a very busy day. i mean, today was our first day actually been able to work on the cars in the garage. and, like, as soon as we got there, they put us straight to work. >> hey, sam! this is your job-- take off that cisco sticker. we're getting a different one. >> so tell us quickly, just tell us who you are. >> i'm simon hauger. i'm the director of the west philly hybrid x team. >> where does your team kind of fit into all this and how did you end up here? >> well, that's a long story. we've been in other competitions, and this was... it was r