going to be -- it's a big show we have a big event happening tomorrow night, a stunt if you will ewan mcgregoron the show, and he's agreed to jump -- he's going to jump something on his motorcycle. he's doing it safely >> tariq: wait, jump what, though >> jimmy: well, we don't know. >> tariq: a peep [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you got tune in, man >> tariq: okay if he can get one -- a black market peep? you can get one to ewan, he'll -- no, he's -- yeah, it's going to be dangerous, but done safely >> tariq: okay >> jimmy: safe danger. i mean, david blaine has nothing on what he's about to do >> tariq: wow. >> jimmy: tomorrow night, tune in same bat channel, same time. yeah i mean, craziness. hey guys, we live in a a brand-driven society >> tariq: nice segue >> jimmy: how's that for a a segue? [ laughter ] >> tariq: yeah, it's great it's great, i'm with you i'm still here >> jimmy: yeah name recognition is everything the problem is, what makes a a good name for one thing might make a bad name for something else or a great name for something else so with that in mind it's time for a segment we call,