ewell: yes. lemonis: i'm open. what am i missing? ewell: i spend my time on the phone, with the internet, and reaching out to my friends through facebook and getting the word out. i've been doing all the social media for them. lemonis: please don't say facebook to me again. please. i can get shuler to do facebook. ewell's having trouble describing what he really wants. and that's because the job that he wants doesn't actually exist. i get the feeling that he wants to collect a six-figure salary without doing the hard work. have you worked the register since i've been here? have you worked in the kitchen since i've been here? -when i'm in, i'm all in. -ewell: okay. i agree. lemonis: and that's very different than what i've seen from you. i don't think you've been all in. ...be quicker than everybody. allyson felix needs to... to win at home, she needs to be quicker than... allyson: chloe! that's why allyson felix uses bounty. the quicker picker upper. allyson: chloe! allyson: chloe! bounty is fast