ewen: no. i think hong kong has shown itself to be remarkably resilient.s going for a bit of a covid wave at the moment, as we know with omicron. it passes through most economies in a three-month period. we are not having any issues attracting staff into our business. we are seeing continued tight supply in the hong kong property market. our coverage is very good. we are and remain a long-term goals on the --bulls on the hong kong market. manus: the market is looking at the china story, but when we caught up at the end of q3, we were talking about 3 billion. it is a billion. why much less than the end of q3? ewen: we are still in the middle of our 2 billion-dollar buyback program. we think the dividend per share is up two thirds of what it was last year. we are trying to do a mix of both dividends and buybacks. overall we think we are in line with expectations on the buyback. i don't think many people expected us to top it up at this point. we are trying to manage our capital base down. this should be seen as one measure that's part of that. manus: we are