that was an earlier book on american education, everything from jefferson to do e,ewey, i proud of myself. this is about the odyssey, particularly odysseus as a poet of that epoch. the main thought is that each of those fantastic adventures he tells about is really an imaginative poetic rendering of some ordinary tourists experiences. to give an example, the lotus eaters, some in africa, and his crew, some of them are clearly given drugs of some sort and they don't want to go away, they want to stay and indulge. he makes of that, the story of the lotus eaters, so everything is poet the-that is a collection of essays, the central one of úich is the public. >> why read plato? úy read a republican in 2009? >> the republic turns out to be úe mother of all books. you name it, psychology, politics, education, even sociology, anthropology, that is one reason why we read it, great questions are broached, all the questions are of greatest interest. i would challenge someone to name an important question that one does not find the beginning consideration in the republic. but one reason among a numb