bill: exactl it's cononstantly working on the craft and getting better. some people have a certain amount of natural ability and that gets them pretty far. i was pretty fny in n front of a group, but had to learn to be funnier. how to create interactioion with the audience, all of thahat aspepect of bei a better speaker. i wa't iucted into the halall of fame, or couldn't have been inducted into the hall of fame my first 5, 3, 7 years. rebecca: for example presidential candidates, bill bradley, amang resume, amazing intellect, and as a friend of mine said nothing kills t seal in a room like bill bradley speaking at a political r rally. bill: the key is connecting with the audience. you can connect th information, by shaking hands wi humor with a story, but you have to connect somehow. rebecca: there are my keys that you have. how do people contact your association? bill: an and we have e a conference heree in july. rebecca: we'll be right back. rebecca: thanks for joing us. let us kw what you thought of this weeks show. yocan always rea