excepted us a tweet wj. we'll hear a decision in a couple of months etmridge, unti what happens with the health care law? what's the takeaway you're hearing after yesterday's arguments? are people starting to speculate on what may come next? >> we definitely heard the tone shift yesterday after those arguments. as jess was saying, it was a bit of a sharper tone and it seems it will come down to this. it's conservative justices and the democrats came out saying we really think that the court is going to uphold this law. we don't have any other contingency plans. we're so confident that we're just going to keep going with what we're doing. democrats are continuing to push for the law. republicans, for their part, are saying we'll try to repeal this law, no matter what the court rules. they don't care if one part of the law gets struck down if, all of it goes down, pieces of it go down. if all of it stays up. they'll still try of the politi advantage they have by doing that or they want to take action themselve