that was a bit of an exceptio panhandle that it didn't matter as much he lost southeast florida and central florida. in a national election a presidential race, you have a higher turnout. it's going to be all about tampa bay heading to orlando. >> yeah. and the two of them have been come paining here. tampa has. >> southern pecan apple butter. >> you're already laughing. >> no. no. i don't mean to make fun. the south which is culturally different. you have the north focused on the southern pecan butter counties. that goes all the way from escambia to jacksonville. once you move to around the university of florida you get away from the southern pecan butter and move more to the bread and butter issues we follow in tampa he goes down twice. >> i love it. i love it. >> all right. russell and merissa thank you so much. darren thank you. see you next time. >> you did good. you pulled it off. >> he even laughed a little. >>>all right. coming up we show you why our healthcare bills are still going up. >>>under the affordable care t, are soaring. soaring to say the least. >> prescription drug crisi