he has taken grief for executiveio orders. but at the same timecam he hastis deported millions of people way more than any previous president. a possibility in your mindine yousp thinke that he wants to be toughhe on immigration to mitt great the t actions he's taking?ve not an illogical conclusion. my view is 11 million people undocumented. 99% people who come into the country to try to improve lives for their family. i think we need to provide legal status to the people. we need to moth to citizenship. we need comprehensive immigration reform. >> when you look at the national stage the topic is north korea. saying they tested a hydrogen bomb. regardless talking about a nuclear north korea. how do you handle that and is going to the u.n. appropriate action? does the u.n. need to do more? >> my view is we have to act in coalition. act with the united nations. we have to learn the lesson from the war in iraq that we cannot do everything alone. and paranoid government in north korea probably the best ironically we have is china.