that is the first point, is the gap that they are trying to address in mission terrace or the in exelcior, the projfro my window. and it does not become apparent of the impact that it will force on the sky line until actually it comes to your door. and so now it is here. and so, we did some research and we did the out reach to the neighborhood, and we got 300 signatures in opposing to this. and 300 people, put to it and said it, and now, the people said, that they want us to go ahead with it, and then, we researched and we said, okay, well obviously we did the research for the fcc and the radiation, and in the united states, and it is started from the research in the uk, or the island and basically on the radiation levels and all of that stuff and we can't go in that because the fcc over rules this, and we actually look into our source chapter, and we said that they drawn, and they draw a pen and they drew a circle around that and they give you different variations of what and 15 different locations that they did the research on and each location, there was no way in the world that it wou