we are now taking the lessons learned in iraq and applying them to contracting, planning and exghuecution in afghanistan. acquisitions for goods and services in our management office which together with its regional procurement support offices handle 98% of our contracted dollars. the centralization of acquisitions obviates the need for extensive policy guidance and oversight in a dispersed acquisition organization. we have hired 103 additional acquisition management staffs since 2008 using our working capital funds 1% fee on all procurements. this has enabled us to devote 37 contracting officers and support personnel to iraq and afghanistan. and we have trained and deployed more contracting officer representatives with 1008 contracting representatives in 2011 and 1200 total projected by the end of this year. the requesting bureau must now ensure that adequate resources are identified early in planning. the cognizant assistant secretary must certify planning and oversight is adequate for every service contract valued in annual expenditure of over $25 million and also verify annually that