he would come back exhausd to terre haute and collapse, i guess, in one of the bedrooms upstairs and spend weeks trying to recover. so in 1916, he decided to sit out. >> lisa phillips, an's comments were probably music to your ears about the lack of teaching of labor history in teach at the llege level. i am wondering what you are thinking about teaching of labor history to aman stents today? >> of course, i would say it should be taught more an it is. i think that there is so much we can learn about working people, awe of us that work every day an try to make ends meet and to value them by teaching their history is very important. it gives us a different perspective on what it means to fight for some of the rights that the caller was mentioning and not take them for granted and realize as hard fought as they were fought for they can be easily taken away and fought for again. we need to really teach those struggles and how difficult it was so that we don't simply take for granted the benefits we received a result. >> in the early part of the 20th century, was there a middle class in