one of the folks back there said he's exley done more than he promised, it's true. have done more than i promised. we have done a lot. [applause] a lot of veterans in louisiana. we got veterans choice. isgot that approved which pretty amazing. they have been trying to get that for years and years, decades and decades. , v.a. have accountability accountability. when you had someone treating our veterans horribly, you could not do anything, you could not fire them whether it's unions or civil service or whatever it may have been, for decades and decades, somebody could do anything they wanted. they can steal, they can abuse or veterans, they can be sadists or do whatever they want, you could not fire them. i got accountability approved. everyone said you couldn't get that. too much power against it. we got it done and now we can fired, get out of here. we don't want you take care of our veterans. that's a big thing, a lot of help from those people. [applause] we got a lot done the bayview the wall as being a big item that if i don't do it, it's a negative. it for that