. >> mark warner's hope is they expandn agreement for a year is a short-term fix, is goinere business at way washington is .andling things >> i am not omoting one side or another, but the democrats t to the end of the .ear forhat reason the short-term fix worst case umping it you keep .ntitil yoget to novber peteries and gentlemen, morici has met his match. break andke a quick back with the number of the week. i am enjoying this roundtable >> welcome back. our number of the week, 14, the chance your household is among the nations top 10% if you live in the .ashington region a census bureau report says one households in the washington metropolitan region five percent,top that puts them earning 100 $9$91,000 or more per year.. who has them beat? connecticut, came in number one, second place, san jose, californ. do not feel bad if you did not californ. do not feel bad if you did not and i didi'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service®, works for thousands of home businesses. because at usps.com®, you ca