. -- views of capitalism are very erience.med by his expansiv it is something different. i do not think he has seen a capitalism that has functioned as well as it does here. that is one of the good things about the pope coming here. yes, we have people in poverty and that is a terrible thing, but it is not the same as this complete deprivation and some of these slums in the south american countries. even our experience of poverty is in a country that is what the. -- wealthy. the pope does not have that expanse. i think that is one of the things that the pope will take away from his visit here. at the same time, and i'm a conservative, but those of us who are pretty strongly pro-market need to acknowledge that within each of us, we can have a tendency toward greed and selfishness. sometimes the market allows that to run free. here ishe challenges that even within our capitalistic system, how do we still prioritize people over things, people over money, and that allow greed or the ideology , which he calls the love of money, to just take over and make it easy for us to be i